Saturday, October 27, 2012

Just Stopped By To Say...

I'll be back soon.

There's definitely a lot I want and need to say to you all.

Its been a few busy weeks since I went back to work, and I somehow lost track of how long I've left you all hanging. My apologies! You all have been THE best support system, praying and loving Sam and me, and I absolutely want to continue to share our life with you. We're just in a time of transition right now. I'm still figuring out how to be the best mommy I can to Samantha, while doing my job with integrity, keeping up with friends and family, and making it to our many doctor's appointments.

Here's hoping you'll hear from me tomorrow!

For now, please enjoy this photo of Sam at my little sister's wedding this last weekend. Isn't it a beautiful thing to see this little girl being treated like the princess that she is?

Lots of love to all of you.

Monday, October 1, 2012

A Day At The Park

Sam and I ventured out to the park for the first (and second) time this week. Our friend Madi came along, and i'm so thankful she did! Not only is she super cute and fun (as you'll see in the video) but she's also talented! She captured some great pictures, which was impressive because I forgot my camera so she had to take them with my phone. 

Sam really enjoyed the fresh air, the breeze, the swings, the grass. She was one happy girl soaking in all the love and sunshine she could get!

She's coming alive again after fighting her first American cold. It started a couple weeks ago and resulted in an ear infection :( As you can see, she is feeling much better! Its nice to have her back to her happy, healthy self.

The park we chose for our adventure is not the best park in town. Its small. It sits in-between two houses on an average-sized lot. But its the closest park to our house. 

I take back every bad thing I've said about our little park :) Sam loves it. So much so that she just had to sing about it! She sang and sang and sang...and sang. All while happily wiggling and looking all around. 

When we got home she was still excited and open to adventure. She even let us put this little tiara on her head. You'll notice I'm in the background scurrying around, looking for my camera. All the while Madi was shooting pictures, rapid-fire, on her ipad. Good thing she was prepared! Sam literally only left it on for a few seconds...but that was just enough time for some great photos.

Today brought about yet another first. 

I went back to work.

I. Have. Been. Dreading. This. Day. 

But, we made it through. Without tears! I had a super productive time in the office (very motivated to complete my work and not bring any home!) and Sam had a great time with Katie and her family. She enjoyed some water play, a ride in the wagon, and some quality time with her cousins. 

As hard as it is for me to leave her, I can tell that spending time with the "big girls" is going to be so good for her. She watches their every move and works extra hard to keep up with them. She has been crawling more, even at home now, ever since her practice run at Katie's house last week. This is a true blessing as Sam is still very cautious and can easily zone out and stay frozen in one spot if I let her.

I have to remind myself that this is good. For Sam, and even for me. God has blessed us that we only need to be apart for a few hours, four days a week. (Sam also comes to work with me for a couple hours a day) So I'm going to work on being thankful for what God has given us. An excellent babysitter/aunt who loves Sam to pieces and takes care of her at no charge. A job that I love, with a boss who "gets it", that I can work part time, that provides insurance. And on and on and on. 

We are so loved and cared for and provided for its ridiculous :) 

So I'd say we only have things to smile about around here. I'll have to repeat that to myself tomorrow as I leave Sam with Katie again. But that's the way it goes. Just because something is good and true doesn't mean its easy. And that's okay. We're okay. More than okay.

Love to all of you.