Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Orphanage Update. Sam update.

One of the staff from my adoption agency is in Bulgaria RIGHT THIS MINUTE working on behalf of all of the children in Samantha's orphanage: talking to government officials, meeting with doctors, holding children who are desperately ill and whispering to them about Jesus. Today, again, we're seeing the Lord move in extraordinary ways on behalf of these children.  If you are willing to pray, want to help, or are interested in knowing the latest news about the orphanage, please read this.

Since my last blog post, Samantha was examined by Prof. Lilova from the Tokuda Hospital. Results show that she is not sick. This is good news! But I've also learned from recent photos that Sam has lost some weight in the last several months. For a little girl that was already half the size of the average 7-year-old, this is significant. However, considering the "care" she has been given throughout her life, and the condition of many other children living in that place, I'd say that Sam is a miracle. A spunky, strong, alert, beautiful miracle. My prayer is that God would sustain her, as He has been, until she's home and her healing can begin.

In your prayers for Samantha, please continue to ask the Lord to give her comfort and peace. Pray that even though she is alone, that she would not be lonely. Pray that she would feel the presence of Jesus in the room with her. Pray that I will receive my written approval as soon as possible so I can travel to meet her!

Thank you for your generous, continued support. Love to you.



    1. Julia, thank you so much for praying, and for all you're doing for the kids in Samantha's orphanage. You are truly a blessing!!!

  2. Praying for you Grace and for Samantha! with much love,

    1. Steph, thank you!!! And I'm praying for you, Lina, and the rest of your family!!! I hope things are moving along quickly for you. Can't wait to see her home!!!
