Monday, September 12, 2011

Almost Somewhere!

Oh my goodness, friends.  My heart is full. And overwhelmed. And nervous. But again, it is full! All day today I've been running around town; making copies, overnighting documents, emailing, phone calling, filling out forms, asking for huge favors, crying, praying, rejoicing, and crying some more.

Why so much crying, you ask?

Well you see, there's this little girl.  She's 6 years old. She has Down Syndrome. She is perfectly adorable. She has been laying in a crib her entire life. And she very well may be my daughter :)

Name an emotion. I'm probably feeling it right now!

Among many other thoughts going through my head today was this one...After 6 years of merely existing (surviving, really) this little girl is about to start LIVING. I cannot wait to experience the world with her. I can just imagine what she'll think about sunshine, butterflies, ice cream, a pink princess room, a full stomach, hugs and kisses, a warm bath, trips to the zoo...

This innocent, 6-year-old baby has been in a tiny prison, unaware that there is a whole world out there waiting for her. She doesn't know yet what she's missing, but I so long to help her make up for lost time.

I should probably try not to get ahead of myself, as there are still plenty of things that could go wrong. But I just want to hold on to this hope, and the joy that it brings.  And I will try to do just that.  Because my God, who made this sweet baby girl, loves her far more than I do. And even if this whole journey I've begun falls to pieces, He will still be holding her. He is Father to the fatherless, Defender of the weak, Hope to the hopeless. He is good. I'll cling to that.

If you would, please pray that I will be able to make an official commitment to Baby Girl, so she can be removed from the waiting child list, and instead be on a page entitled, "My family found me." When God answers our prayers, I'll be able to show you all a picture of her sweet little face.  I can't wait!

Again, please feel free to comment with any prayer requests you may have. Let's be in prayer for each other!


  1. Grace...AMAZING! Praying for the Lord to answer the desire of your heart. He will give you the strength you need to get through this journey! Hugs and Blessings to you.

  2. Keep hoping, dear. Hold on to that joy. May God answer quickly both our heart's desires!
